News Update



Upper and Lower Bottle Lakes Froze over on 12-8-2015 then reopened on 12-10 and then refroze on 12-19.
I think this time it will stay frozen.
About 3 1/2" of snow on the ground so far.

Bill Jones




Fly Your ESB Flag

1 ten foot PVC plastic pipe, 3/4 to 1 in. dia.
1 PVC cap for top end finished look
2 eye bolts, nuts and lock washers
2 S hooks, connect and close over eye and flag grommet.
Zip stripe fasteners to attach to dock post

15 minutes to install after drilling holes for eye bolts.  Material costs less than $6.00.

Submitted by Doug Dufty





Did you know?

Field studies and experiments with hand-reared loons found loons to be facultative predators, foraging on a variety of fishes, crustaceans and other aquatic animals. Loons selected certain species and size of prey when present, favored fusiform shapes and atypical, erratic swimming behavior, but took the most readily available and susceptible to capture, often yellow perch.  Chick feeding behavior developed during the first 8 wks after which physical maturity permitted independent feeding. Juveniles resembled adults in size and shape by wk-11, and were capable of catching all of their own food.  Evidence suggests that loons are not harmful to sport fisheries and may be beneficial by suppressing species competing with game fish.  Territories averaged 177.84 acres, and food may be a determinant for maximum size.  Based on the average amount of food required by a chick for its first 15 wks (116.6 lbs.), plus the daily consumption of older birds (2.112 lbs), a pair of loons rearing 2 chicks could remove about 930.6 lbs. of food during 5.5 months on territory.


Bill J. has revealed the location of the legendary Toilet

N 47 deg. 01.678'
W 94 deg 56.361'

Thanks Bill. 

A Note of Interest.

  A recent article in the Minneapolis Star and Tribune stated that the population of martins in Minnesota had dropped 85% and that martins are now totally dependent on martin houses for nesting.   Click on the link below to learn more about purple martins.

Purple Martins